Wednesday, August 5, 2009

They are all at school...Wahoo!!!

Now its time for me.....well for at least a few weeks and then all my time will be taken up by business type stuff! Not that I wont be thinking about the business during the 'me' time.... it'll just be all the fun stuff!

At the moment I'm trying to be organised and have began putting ideas down for the next lot of competitons to be run through the Fan Page and also the Blog. So far I'm thinking of doing competitons/giveaways for the following things (just rememeber these are just ideas at the moment!):
  • 250 Facebook Fans
  • Xmas Giveaway (possible a dress/shrug or waistcoat/pants)
  • The launch of Little Lizzies
  • ........need more ideas!

Actually I need to tell my mind not to keep coming up with more ideas, its getting pretty crowded in their and need to concentrate!

I have been making or should that be creating more ponchos/capelets/accessories....somedays I don't know what to call some of them, as they seem to just be more organic in creation rather than by design, so if you something you like grab it, as I may not be able to create another one on I just aim for something and sometimes it just doesn't lend itself towards the intial idea and morphs into something else, but its much more exciting that way!

I will post some photos of the new stuff soon, just got to get more batterries for the camera!

Don't forget if you see something on the fan page that you like say so..... some of it is even available to be sold, so just ask! Also don't forget to introduce your friends to the wonderful world of Little Lizzies!!

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